20+ Best Small Log Cabin Ideas With Awesome Decoration

Whether meant to become a vacation home or just an additional structure in your yard, log cabins definitely add allure to a specific space. If you plan on building one, might as well go and look over some small log cabin plans. I have to warn you though, there’s a lot of effort and cost involved in building even a small cabin. However, when you get to finish the cabin with your own hands, there’s fewer more satisfying feeling.

Structures made of natural timbers certainly can make the place appealing to most. It lends a relaxing look. Thus, it’s really small wonder why most people would dream of a log cabin that’s away from the bustle of city life and its pressures.

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If you’ve had considerable experience in woodworking, you might try your hands in building a log cabin. It won’t be easy, but you sure would learn a lot from the process along the way. But before going ahead with the construction, might as well be acquainted with the things to consider in building a small cabin.

Log Selection and Preparation
Just about any type of log can be used to build a log cabin. Just make sure that the logs are relatively straight. A good diameter for logs are 8 or 10 inches and has minor taperings. Conifers like pine, fir, tamarack and pine provides a good selection of log. Hardwood can also be used but its sapwood would be a problem since it is susceptible to borer or fungal infestations.

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